Dogs have been dubbed as “man’s best friend”, but there much more then that. Dogs are loyal, dogs are cute and most of all, dogs should be in every home. For some, size matters, and owning a smaller dog under 10 pounds is the only thing possible. Whether it’s your living condition, looking for a dog who can travel easily, or whether smaller means cuter to you, taking the time to choose the right dog breed may be your best decision yet.

We’ve taken the time to dissect the Top 10 Small Dog Breeds Under 10 Pounds Fully Grown while considering loyalty, obedience, coddling and of course, cute factor.

10. Toy Fox Terrier

Toy Fox Terrier’s resemble the look of a fox, but much smaller. Fully grown, they weigh in around 7 pounds and stand to a height of 10 inches and their identified by long, pointy ears and long stout noses. When standing they have slightly arched backs making them very aware of their surroundings. Character traits include loyalty, obedient, and protective.

Toy Fox Terrier

9. Brussels Griffon

When fully grown a Brussels Griffin weighs no more than 10 pounds, but smaller full-grown Griffon’s only weigh about 6-7 pounds. The distinguishing characteristics are their human-like frowns, thick beards and large eyes and their seen as highly intelligent and sensitive.

Brussels Griffon

8. Affenpinscher

The look of an Affenpinscher is what separates themselves from other small dog breeds and is the exact same thing that dog lovers have come to love. Unlike many other smaller dog breeds, they are very good with other pets, dogs and children. A great family dog that’s highly amusing, loyal and always curious.


7. Pug

A Pug is another dog you either grow to love or love to hate. Either way, their one of the cutest and ugliest dogs at the same time. They snort constantly, snore when their sleeping, have a naturally wrinkled face, and have a cinnamon-roll tail, so what’s not to love. Because of their flat noses they tend to have breathing problems when outdoors, so be careful not to over-exert your Pug.


6. Pekingese

While cute as they are, a Pekingese can be aggressive making them a great watchdog, but not suitable for families with other pets or children. They’re not always aggressive, so to say the last sentence may be a bit unfair, but something worth considering. Their long hair needs grooming daily, but when cared for regularly they’re some of the most beautiful small dog breeds out there.


5. Chihuahua

You either love them or hate them, but there’s no in-between. Chihuahua’s typically weigh in around 4-6 pounds and are a bit more uptempo then many other small dog breeds in this review. Some of their most defining characteristics include a super-sized personality, fully erect ears and large, luminous eyes. They possess all of the finer qualities of smaller dogs including loyalty, obedience and bigger dog charm.


4. Papillon

A Papillon weighs in around 7-10 pounds fully grown and are identified by longer, pointy ears and feathered coats. Papillons typically have a poised look where they’re always attuned to what’s going on around in their surroundings.


3. Yorkshire Terrier

A Yorkshire Terrier is hands-down one of the cutest dogs in this list and one of the easiest one’s to stow away in your purse and take with you. Smaller weighing in no more than 7 pounds fully grown, they’re typically characterized by longer hair, but solid frame. Their cute, lovable, and highly affectionate which makes them a top choice among dog lovers.

Yorkshire Terrier

2. Poodle

Poodles are classified by their size including standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle and Toy Poodle. Between the three, they range from 4-10 pounds fully grown, but offer the same loving personality. Typically, they can be seen sporting some of the most outrageous hair cuts which helps define the personality of the owner itself, or the quality of the person cutting their hair.


1. Pomeranian

A Pomeranian tops our list as one of the best dog small dog breeds under 10 pounds. Fully grown they come in right around 10 pounds, but those wanting a pint sized, Toy Pomeranian will find them around them as little as 4 pounds. Toy Poms have been at the forefront of a growing trend of t-cup dogs which are small enough to fit in your purse, but offer the same amazing traits their full-sized partners possess.

Pomeranian’s have been dubbed as the ideal companion for men, women and children alike. Their loyalty is never debated, obedience is second to none, and their energy, well, they have a lot of it.
